Celebrating The Iconic Cocktails of Time and The Spirits & Bars That Make Them
Industry Tastings at Nominated New York Bars
Beginning Nov 7th with Repeal Day Celebrations into the New Year!

2022/2023 Industry Nomination & Tasting Panelists
If you have received this invitation then your spirit brand has been nominated in the Iconic 3rd Annual Best Spirits in Cocktails Awards!
30+ Industry Nomination Panelists have nominated their top spirit brands to be used in the iconic cocktails of time to award Gold, Silver and Bronze to the top performing spirits in blind cocktail tastings.
Over 50 NY Bars have been nominated for making authentic versions of the classics. In person tastings at Official Honoree NY Bars will make history in the most Iconic Award show in years. Its timeless Legacy born out of the Centennial Anniversary of the Prohibition. 1920-2020.
Industry tastings are broadcast from New York internationally for Live Industry & Consumer audience engagement, e-commerce, networking & more.
Medalists and all participants are published & hyperlinked in the Annual Best Spirits in Cocktails lists surrounding Repeal Day and into the new year increasing Industry & Consumer facing values from participating brands.
See The Best Whiskeys for an Old Fashioned for more.
Winners are awarded the coveted BSICA Gold, Silver & Bronze Digital Medallions memorializing them in the beginning of the Century & throughout time.
Just Check Out & Ship Spirit Product to the Bar Account!

The Best Whiskey in The Old Fashioned 2023
Dec 5, 2022 at Dutch Kills Bar, LIC NY
2022 Nomination Panelists
Jillian Vose (Hazel & Apple), Eamon Rockey (Creator, Rockey's Botanical Liqueur), Joey Vargas (Formerly of Whistle Pig), Lamar Curtis (Parker & Quinn), Mike Vacheresse (Travel Bar)
Subject to Changes
This Blind Tasting of The Same Old Fashioned (Dutch Kills Recipe) with Different Whiskeys by Industry Panelists will decide Gold, Silver and Bronze honors for Best Whiskey in The Old Fashioned 2022. Submitted Whiskeys of any expression type will go head to head with nominated whiskeys LIVE-STREAMED from Dutch Kills Bar in LIC and Published Online to Engage & Connect with Industry and Consumer Audiences. Nominated Spirit Brands receive discounted registration rates and prominent features!
The Best Rum in The Daiquiri 2023
Jan 2023 Date TBA! - Held at Official Honoree - Best Daiquiri in New York - Osamil Upstairs
2022 Nomination / Panelists
Shannon Mustipher (TIKI Modern Tropical Cocktails) Anton Kinloch (Bar Manager Fuchsia TiKi Bar), Gelo Honrade (Osamil Upstairs)
This Blind Tasting by Industry Panelists of The Same Daiquiri Recipe (Recipe by TBA Nominated NY Bar for Best Daiquiri in NY) with Different Rums will decide Gold, Silver and Bronze honors for Best Rum in The Daiquiri 2023. Submitted Rums of any expression type will go head to head with Nominated Rums LIVE-STREAMED from Osamil Upstairs and Published Online to Engage & Connect with Industry and Consumer Audiences. Nominated Spirit Brands receive discounted registration rates and prominent features!

The Best Whiskey in The Manhattan
Date TBA! 2023 Held at Winning Nominated Bar for Best Manhattan in NY ( TBA Shortly)
2022 Nomination / Tasting Panelists
Nick Bennett (Head Bartender Porchlight), Alyssa Sartor (HBIC August Laura), Torrence Swain (Regional Director El Silencio Mezcal), Eamon Rockey (Creator, Rockey's Botanical Liqueur), Sam Casuga ( Dead Rabbit NYC)
This Blind Tasting by Industry Panelists of The Same Manhattan Recipe (Recipe by TBA Nominated NY Bar for Best Manhattan in NY) with Different Whiskeys will decide Gold, Silver and Bronze honors for Best Whiskey in The Manhattan 2022. Submitted Whiskeys of any expression type will go head to head with 2022 Nominated Whiskeys LIVE-STREAMED from Nominated NY Bar (Winner TBA) and Published Online to Engage & Connect with Industry and Consumer Audiences. Nominated Spirit Brands receive discounted registration rates and prominent features!
The Best Tequila in The Margarita 2023
2022 Nomination Panelists
Diego Livera (The Graduate Hotel), Ivy Mix (Leyenda) Jessica Gonzalez - (Mohonk Mountain House), Roger Avila (Fandi Matta), Luis Alatorre (High St on Hudson).
This Blind Tasting by Industry Panelists of The Same Margarita Recipe (Recipe by Bar Belly with Different Tequilas will decide Gold, Silver and Bronze honors for Best Tequila in The Margarita 2023. Submitted Tequilas of any expression type will go head to head with Nominated Tequilas LIVE-STREAMED from Bar Belly NYC and Published Online to Engage & Connect with Industry and Consumer Audiences. Nominated Spirit Brands receive discounted registration rates and prominent features!

The Best Rum in The Mojito
Jan Date TBA, 2023 Held at Aura Cocina.
2022 Nomination / Tasting Panelists
Shannon Mustipher (TIKI Modern Tropical Cocktails), Ivy Mix (Leyenda), Nelson Lemus (Brand Ambassador - Chinola). Jouquin Simo, (Death & Co. / Pouring Ribbons), Kenneth McCoy (The Rum House).
This Blind Tasting by Industry Panelists of The Same Mojito Recipe (Recipe by Aura Cocina) with Different Rums will decide Gold, Silver and Bronze honors for Best Rum in The Mojito 2023. Submitted Rums of any expression type will go head to head with Nominated Rums LIVE-STREAMED from Aura Cocina and Published Online to Engage & Connect with Industry and Consumer Audiences. Nominated Spirit Brands receive discounted registration rates and prominent features!
The Best Gin in The Martini 2023
Jan 2023 Date TBA! - Held at Official Honoree for Best Gin Martini in NY - Dutch Freds)
2022 Nomination / Tasting Panelists
Denise Polonia (General Manager - Fats Duvall's Rhum Cafe), Masa Urishido (Katana Kitten), Steven Rhea (Head Bartender - Maison Premiere), Eamon Rockey (Creator, Rockey's Botanical Liqueur).
This Blind Tasting by Industry Panelists of The Same Gin Martini Recipe (Recipe by TBA Nominated NY Bar for Best Gin Martini in NY) with Different Gins will decide Gold, Silver and Bronze honors for Best Gin in The Martini 2023. Submitted Gins of any expression type will go head to head with Nominated Gins LIVE-STREAMED from Nominated NY Bar (Winner TBA) and Published Online to Engage & Connect with Industry and Consumer Audiences. Nominated Spirit Brands receive discounted registration rates and prominent features!